Dwyer & Michaels Morning Show: Show Notes 04/01/24
This is your one-stop shop for everything that happens throughout the Dwyer & Michaels Morning Show - in studio photos, the videos discussed, and goofy stuff that we find throughout the show.
The Show Notes are brought to you by Pawn Central.
Man Nearly Taken Out By Runaway Saw Blade
Shane Reimche was walking into a liquor store in Eugene, Oregon, when he heard yelling and spotted a giant sawblade barreling towards the doorway across the parking lot.
It just barely missed the door and stuck into the side of the building, about 8" deep into the wall.
Check out the surveillance footage here.
Read Shane's whole story here.
Hairball Teased Megan While She Worked At The Storm Game
Hairball had fun with Snapchat filters while Megan did the welcome introduction at the Storm game this weekend - after sending a video of him booing her.
Here's the best one - of her with looking like Gollum from the Lord Of The Rings.
Cops Chase Shoplifting Suspect on Horseback
Some cops in Albuquerque chased down a man who stole $230 worth of stuff from a Walgreens store, but the video has gone viral because they chased the guy down on horseback.
Read the full story here.
Beer Battle On The Belle Is Coming Back
We've had so much fun having all our friends hang with us on the Celebration Belle and drink a crapload of beer that we're going to do it again! Join us May 11th, and find more details by clicking the button below.
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