Dwyer & Michaels Morning Show: Show Notes 04/17/24
This is your one-stop shop for everything that happens throughout the Dwyer & Michaels Morning Show - in studio photos, the videos discussed, and goofy stuff that we find throughout the show.
The Show Notes are brought to you by Pawn Central.
Wicked Skies Yesterday Afternoon
We had some storms roll through the area that were expected to be much worse than they were, but after some funnel clouds over the metro QC, we had some cool photos going around social media of the ominous skies.
Check out what our followers shared by clicking the post below.
Vintage Torque Fest Registration
If you have a vehicle you think would be perfect for Vintage Torque Fest at the Dubuque County Fairgrounds, then you can save some $$$$ when you register before next Tuesday. The show is May 3-4.
Student Will Miss Prom Over Bag of Taki Chips
There's a student in Florida who will be missing her prom because she brought a bag of Takis into the school where they were not allowed. There's a whole section of the school has a NO CORN policy due to a teacher who has an allergy. She missed breakfast and brought the chips to school, and they have corn products in them, so NO PROM.
Elephant Escapes Circus in Butte
In Butte, Montana, an elephant escaped the circus it was traveling with, and went for a walk around town.
It was caught and taken back to its handlers.
Murderous Mary The Elephant
An elephant named Mary who performed in Sparks World Famous Shows circuses, killed her handler on his second day in gruesome fashion - or at least that's the story.
Johnson City Staff, said that Mary "collided its trunk vice-like about [Eldridge's] body, lifted him 10 feet (3.0 m) in the air, then dashed him with fury to the ground... and with the full force of her beastly fury is said to have sunk her giant tusks entirely through his body. The animal then trampled the dying form of Eldridge as if seeking a murderous triumph, then with a sudden... swing of her massive foot hurled his body into the crowd."[3]
The Elephant Grave in Oquawka, Illinois
In 1972, an elephant named Norma Jean struck by lightning in Oquwaka was killed instantly, and the decision was to bury her where she fell in the town square. They filled the hole and walked away, hoping that everyone would forget the incident.
A local druggist, Wade Meloan, raised money and commissioned a tombstone for the elephant, which still sits in place today with memorabilia surrounding the elephant.
Menendez Brothers
Today in 1996, Lyle and Erik Menendez were in the background, sitting courtside, on a photo of Mark Jackson used for his player photo on a Hoops card.
The photo was reportedly taken after the murder but before the trial. The seats they're sitting in belong to their parents.
Snag one for yourself on eBay, they're pretty cheap.
Eddie Van Halen's Animal Sounds
A backstage video shows Eddie Van Halen doing an elephant impersonation with his guitar, before doing a horse sound.
Changes to Iowa Speed Camera Regulations
Iowa is changing up their regulations on the speed cameras around the state - one of the rules of which is a requirement of towns using them to have 20,000 people or more.
Fame and Fortune: These Are the Richest Celebrities in the World
Gallery Credit: Stacker
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