Doctors Save Man’s Life By Pumping 15 Beers Into Him
If beer turns out to be the miracle cure we've been searching for, then going to the doctor's office is going to be way more entertaining.
48-year-old Nguyen Van Nhat in Quang Tri, Vietnam had his life saved on Christmas when doctors pumped him full of beer.
Apparently the guy had been drinking alcohol, but not the kind one would normally drink. He was ingesting methanol, the kind of alcohol that is used to make things like formaldehyde, antifreeze, paint thinner, and gasoline.
Beer is the other, good type of alcohol: ethanol. The doctors knew that by feeding this guy a bunch of beer, his liver would be kept busy processing the ethanol and wouldn't process all the methanol. The methanol would have killed him.
They ended up giving him the equivalent of 15 cans of beer. That gave them enough time to get the methanol out of his system and save his life.
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