The Top Five Reasons Why Work Is More Stressful This Time of Year
We're officially in the holiday season. I mean, technically it's not supposed to start for a few more weeks, but try telling all the stores that, they had their Christmas stuff out before Halloween's body was even cold.
According to a new survey, this time of the year is a hell of a paradox at work. People say it's the happiest time of the year at their job, but also the most stressful.
Here are the top reasons why these are the most stressful two months:
- Balancing holiday events and your job.
- Taking time off and coming back to a giant pile of work.
- Having lots of people on vacation leading to more work for everyone else.
- Trying to figure out what gifts to buy for your coworkers or clients.
- Going to company holiday events.
What would make things less stressful? 37% of people say if they got a nice end-of-the-year bonus, suddenly things wouldn't seem so rough anymore.
Read more at PR Newswire.