New Movie Featuring Veterans and Service Dogs Shown In Davenport
Midwest Animal Assisted Therapy & Education at Northpark Mall will be showing a new movie highlighting the relationship Veterans who battle PTSD have with their service dogs.
According to the description of the movie, it shows how service dogs make a major, positive impact on the day-to-day life of Veterans.
TO BE OF SERVICE is a feature-length documentary film directed about war veterans suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) who are paired with a service dog to help them regain their lives. Returning home for these vets is often plagued with depression and a wrenching disconnect from the world they once inhabited. Family, old friends and jobs seem foreign, and newly returned warriors struggle to function and return to a normal civilian life. Service dogs offer a miraculous ray of hope in helping them come back to an independent, feeling life. The viewer learns it is the fragile life of young warriors, changed forever by combat that is the true cost of war.
Check out the trailer here:
Bon Jovi even helped with the movie, creating a music video used as a promo for the film.
Midwest Animal Assisted Therapy & Education will be hosting 4 showings of the movie; November 21st at 1pm and 4pm, as well as the same times on November 22nd.
Veterans with service dogs will also be present for a Q&A after the showing.
Because of social distancing regulations, reservations will need to be made ahead of time. Get your tickets here.

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