This is your one-stop shop for everything that happens throughout the Dwyer & Michaels Morning Show - in studio photos, the videos discussed, and goofy stuff that we find throughout the show.

The Show Notes are brought to you by Pawn Central.

Kinion Classics Car Show

Row of classic 1955 - 1957 Chevys at a car show.
Getty Images/iStockphoto

We'll be broadcasting live and playing some tunes at Kinion Classic Auto in Clarence, Iowa for their car show this weekend. Find out more below!

Hawk Tuah

Your social media has probably been filled with memes saying something about "Hawk Tuah" the last couple days, and it's because of a man-on-the-street interview with a southern girl who's taken the nation's heart.

“What’s one move in bed that makes a man go crazy every time?” the interviewer asked.

She replied “You gotta give ’em that ‘hawk tuah’ and spit on that thang!”

The interview took place on 6th Street in Nashville, where creators TimandDee walk around asking random questions of people on the street. She's been confirmed as Hailey Welch by the creator, who tagged her in his post.

She had some other clips go viral as well.

All Night Long

This weekend you'll see some Chinooks at the Quad City Air Show with Lionel Richie's face painted on the aft pylons. The story behind why Lionel's face is on them is pretty awesome.

Ryan Hoover
Ryan Hoover

Company B, 2nd Battalion, 211th General Support Aviation Regiment was deployed in Iraq for Operation New Dawn, and after flying multiple missions - all night long - they adopted the Lionel Richie song as their theme.

The aircraft adopted the call sign "Night Long" - which they turned into patches, stickers, and stencils. The story continued until the unit got to meet Lionel himself.

Ryan Hoover
Ryan Hoover

Toby Keith needed a chinook for a show he was doing and met the troops backstage. They gave him one of the Lionel Richie patches, and he immediately called Lionel to tell him, and Lionel had to meet the crew right away.

Click here to watch the video on YouTube: CBS News, Lionel Richie's "All Night Long" becomes soldiers' anthem
Click here to watch the video on YouTube: CBS News, Lionel Richie's "All Night Long" becomes soldiers' anthem

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