The Funniest And Most Painful Ways Men Injured Their Junk in 2022
Every man's worst nightmare... Taking a direct hit to the groin.
The Pain
When a man gets hit in the genitals, there's this extremely sharp pain that lingers and incapacitates his whole body for a period of time.
It's almost similar to someone pressing on a bruise in a sensitive area for a while.
The Destruction
Here lies a list of some of the finest groin destruction achieved in America in the year 2022.
Reading through these descriptions, we feel that some men are clearly being honest about what happened while others are making up the greatest lies ever.
Warning, reading these descriptions maybe give you a sense of pain and/or PTSD if you've ever taken a blow to the genitals... In a bad way.
All descriptions are taken verbatim from the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission’s database of emergency room visits.
Enjoy reading...