Cheers to 10 Years! Radicle Effect Brewerks Celebrates a Milestone
You may know them from their 7 Days of Darkness, where for "7 long, flavorful days, one Dark beer will appear on [their] list that will rip your taste buds apart!". They pull 7 beers from around the region that are dark dark dark and taste awesome awesome awesome.
You may also know them as the home to the Roasted Garlic Stout where with the beer and a shot of their house-made garlic vodka comes the Garlic Depth Charge.
There are just a couple of reasons to raise your glasses to Rich Nunez and Radicle Effects Brewerks! There are plenty more.
Next Wednesday, July 13th Radicle Effect Brewerks celebrates 10 years in the Quad Cities!
Rich and the fine folks at Radicle plan to celebrate with some amazing free(?) food from the super talented, Chef Brandon Zawada.
They will also be releasing "Corner of Knowledge" which is a Belgian-style tripel that chimes in at 9.4% abv. It's a big boy!
"Well well, how time flies. 10 years ago in July, Radicle Effect Brewerks opened its doors for the first time and have had the pleasure of serving a variety of libations to the most awesome people from all over the QC and beyond.
Along the way there were some scary (are we gonna make it?) moments, but with all your help, we managed to work our way through those tough times and keep beer chuggin along.
Thank you all and hope to make it another 10yrs!!"
5pm on Wednesday, July 13th, get to Radicle Effect Brewerks at 1340 31st St Rock Island, ILh
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