Illinois Drivers Should Get Ready For More Scary Roundabouts
When cities across the state need to fix crumbling roads they look to not only fix the surface but look at the full design to make sure it's as efficient and safe as it can be. This is why more and more intersections are turning into roundabouts.
For the rest of the world, these are the norma and people know how to drive through them. For Americans, it's a dreaded driving word. Illinois drivers need to get ready for more.
Roundabouts Work
You might not like it...but they do work.
Studies show a 90 percent reduction in fatal crashes. A 76 percent reduction in injury crashes. 30-40 percent reduction in pedestrian crashes. And a 10 percent reduction in bicycle crashes.
Plus, they save time. The Federal Transportation Department and other studies have shown they can reduce delays by 20% and vehicle stops by 56%.
But still, people resist.
Some People Still Can't Figure Out Roundabouts
The concept is simple. But some folks still can't figure them out. Cities and transportation officials have put out instructions on how to drive through them properly however there are still those that can't figure them out.
So where else can we expect more confused drivers with the addition of roundabouts?
In Moline, 7th Ave has proposed changes from 15th Street to 18th Street. It will include traffic flow changes at the intersections of 16th and 17th with roundabouts being built at the intersections of 15th and 18th.
The proposal states that the intersection of 15th delays will be reduced from 15.5 seconds to 5.5 seconds.
Meanwhile, at 18th the delays will be decreased by 25 seconds however delays will be increased by 2 seconds when traveling down 7th.
Plus updated intersections at 16th and 17th Ave.
The release from the city of Moline says the estimated cost is $3,750,000, and construction will take place from April to December 2025.
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