Win 10G’s For a Cocktail Featuring Old Booze
There are many ways to spend $10,000. You could sock it away. You could pay off student loans. Use it as a down payment for a new home.
Or you could use it wisely and buy a super old cocktail!
“I’m not only going to make the most expensive cocktail in the world but surely the world’s oldest cocktail,” Calabrese says in a video documenting the eponymous “Salvatore’s Legacy” at the Playboy Club London. He notes that the ingredients used have a combined age of more than 700 years: “730 years of history,” he says. “Truly a liquid history in a glass.”
You don't have $10,000 just wasting away. But you could! Listen for the Workday Payday Cash Code for your shot at $1,000 each time (3 times every weekday) and a grand prize of 10g's.
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