Study Shows How Much Money A Shorter Man Needs To Make To Be As Sexually Desirable As A Taller Man
My wife doesn't care about looks as much as personality, but there's plenty of ladies out there who like a "tall glass of water." Science says short guys, like our intern, can be just as desirable by making a considerable amount of money, which our intern does not.
A study by the University of Chicago highlighted dating preferences and matching in online dating. It compared looks, successfulness, and other traits to show what the outcome of the match will likely be.
In the study, the author cited a study done by the school in 2006, showing trade offs between height and income. It turns out that the amount of money you make, combined with how tall you are, are huge factors in attractiveness.
I've adjusted the chart for inflation, and it just gets more unrealistic for short dudes.
If you're 5' 11.5" tall guy who makes around $80,675 annually, you are a prime candidate, and will be as desirable as they come.
If you're 5' 6" like our intern, you'll need to make $226,000 extra to have the same chances as that 5' 11.5" guy.
The scale slides for those taller than 6 feet, showing they actually can make less than $80,675 and still be just as desirable as that kinda tall guy with a good job. If you're 6' 2", you can get away with making almost $40,000 less, at around $15,000 annually, and be just as desirable. If you're above 6' 4", it would seem you probably don't have to work at all, and the lady in your life will just provide for you, and she'll be happy with taking care of her giant.
For women, the scale flips, starting at 5' 5" and about $55,000 as the base. The study says the shorter the woman, the less money she can get away with making, being under 5'2" meaning she doesn't have to work. The worst fiscal combo would be that Ripley's Believe it or Not guy and a 5' 2" or less gal. Neither would have to work, and they'd still be just as happy (theoretically).
Read more of the study at U of Chicago

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