People Have Abandoned Their Dogs For Some Pretty Messed Up Reasons
If you're a dog owner, you probably can't fathom any situation where you would willingly abandon your furry best friend at a shelter. These people didn't have that problem.
Dogs Trust, a dog rehoming and adoption charity in the U.K., receive calls every few minutes from people who are giving up their pets. They've gotten some pretty awful reasons too.
For the proper effect, have this song playing as you read:
- "I won a free vacation and I couldn’t take my dogs with me."
- "I’m a vegetarian but he always wanted to eat meat."
- "I got him as a secret Santa present."
- "She was too friendly and wanted to greet every dog and human we met on a walk."
- "He was panting too much."
- "He didn’t like it when we played dress up."
- "She sleeps in her own bed all night – I thought she would want to sleep in my bed."
- "He doesn’t match our furniture."
- "She wags her tail far too much."
- "Now he has lost weight he is too energetic."
- "If I’d known anything about beagles, I wouldn’t have got one. I had to spend an hour a day vacuuming as he shed so much hair."
- "The dog is always staring at me – even when I am eating."
Read more at Metro.
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