Jerry Ingram is 92 years old, and has yet to miss a Marine Birthday Ball. This year, he was worried about not going because of his health. His Band of Brothers decided that's not going to happen.

Jerry Joined the Marines, by stretching the truth about his age at the age of 15, and at 17 he was storming Iwo Jima as a member of the 4th Marine Division. He's honored his fallen brothers by visiting the Leavenworth National Cemetery. Describing the only time he shed a tear on the battlefield, at Iwo Jima, Ingram said "When I saw all those crosses and all those lives, what a waste of life."

The only year Ingram has missed a Birthday Ball, except for 1981. He survived a fire in a Las Vegas hotel in an elevator, and was one of few to survive the event. The Marines from his area were not about to let him miss another.

The Marines showed up with a cake at Ingram's assisted living facility to celebrate the Marine Corps 244th birthday. It is customary that after the cake is cut with a sword, the oldest Marine will passes the cake to the youngest Marine, symbolizing the passing of experience from one to another. He also got to join in the Marine Hymn before the night was over.

Jerry said "They mean everything to me. I grew up in the Marine Corp. I am a Marine. I always will be a Marine, and I represent all those that aren't here. They don't die easy."

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