Man Builds Bulletproof Stormtrooper Suit with a 3-D Printer
Nils Ramusson is a computer software engineer, and more importantly, runs two popular YouTube Channels. His DIY instructional channel, "LRN2DIY" has 282k subscribers, who most of tune in to learn how to do things like resizing watch bands, installing light switches, making a projector screen, and many more topics. Recently getting into 3-D printing and showing how to do small projects, he decided it was time to do something big.
A combination of being a Star Wars fan and having a friend who does bulletproofing for a job, combined with the (at the time) pending release of the final Star Wars movie, they settled on building a Stormtrooper suit that can withstand multiple shots fired by different 9mm handguns, and even a .357 magnum.
After 9 months of hard work, they put the suit together. Made up of 19 different pieces of armor, it took over 400 hours to finish.
To keep costs down for themselves during the testing phase, they only bulletproofed the helmet, shin guard, and back plate. All the shots fired stopped, except for one that went though the plastic lensed eye-hole.
To see how it would really perform, they went to another friend's YouTube channel, "Waterjet Channel".
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