Jeep Owner Charged $48K Being Towed Out of the Mud
Normally somebody getting their Jeep pulled out the mud does not make news, except it cost this guy $48,000 for a tow company to get it out.
Joel Ramer and his girlfriend were off-roading in his Jeep in Wapole, Massachusetts when he buried it in a giant mud pit. Police arrived on the scene and called Assured Collision to come retrieve the vehicle from the private property.
It took 12 hours to pull the SUV out of the mud pit, but now Ramer doesn’t know if he will be able to afford to get his vehicle back.
"When I went to pick up the vehicle from Assured Collision, he'd informed me there was some damage done to the vehicle, but didn't get into details. He also informed me the bill was $48,000," Ramer said. “I thought they made a mistake."
Joel posted these before and after photos of his Jeep to Facebook:
All of the before pictures and YES this is the same mudhole that Assured Collision pulled me from.
Posted by Joel Ramer on Tuesday, October 27, 2015
After the tow at Assured Collision's tow yard.
Posted by Joel Ramer on Tuesday, October 27, 2015
I just spoke with the owner of Assured Collision to ask about getting my jeep back. He told me that I'm getting myself...
Posted by Joel Ramer on Tuesday, October 27, 2015