Florida Woman Calls For Sugar Daddy Appreciation Day At Council Meeting
City Council meetings are the best place to go when you want something changed in your city. It's a place for voices to be heard, and a great place for those in charge to get a pulse on what the citizens are feeling and wanting.
After a presentation on the storage of flammable liquids at a Planning & Zoning Board meeting in Boca Raton, Florida last Thursday night, a woman approached the microphone after a call for questions from the board.
As she approached the microphone, an old guy with a cane followed right behind her. She introduced herself as Ashley Cream.
The woman gave some statistics about why she believed that Florida has the most "Sugar Daddies" per capita in the United States - listing Miami, Palm Beach, and Boca Raton with the highest concentration of "these aged benefactors."
It makes sense because think about how many people move to Florida after retirement with all of their benefits and savings. They've got the cash, and some of them need someone to spend it on.
"Sugar Daddies, both gay and straight, and yes, even Sugar Mommies, are responsible for college educations, cars, homes, rents, jets...and the occasional body enhancement," Ashley said.
So, she asked the board to plan a "Sugar Daddy and Mommy Appreciation Day" on March 10.
However, she was asking the wrong people. Planning & Zoning Board Chair, Arnold Sevell told her that it's a city council issue.
Ashley and who must be her sugar daddy walked away from the microphone and the video clip ended.

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