Dog Obituary Book is Tribute to Man’s Best Friend
“A Dog’s Life: A Collection of Humorous Tributes Celebrating Man’s Best Friend” by Peter Bogyo is a heartbreaking and tear-jerking tribute to man's best friend, the dog. The preface is simple, yet elegant:
“Every dog lover dreads the loss of their adored pet. Mostly, we try not to think about it. We know a dog’s life expectancy is far less than a human’s; it is almost inevitable that one day we will have to endure the loss of a cherished member of the family. Yet time and again the joy, and more importantly the unconditional love, our dogs give us seduce us into eventually adopting another one. It’s a pact with the devil we knowingly make.”
Bogyo is a general manager for Broadway and Off-Broadway shows. He first thought of the book after having to put his Scottish Terrier, Bilbo, to sleep. He penned a tribute to the dog, helping him cope with the grief of losing a pet. Bilbo's “Favorite pastimes included chasing tennis balls and policemen on bicycles, growling at schnauzers, and rolling in the dirt after first getting thoroughly wet.”
As he wrote other dog obituaries, he realized that every dog's life is an often times hilarious story just waiting to be told.
He told everyone to let him know of any dog's passing away, because he was becoming the "dog-obituary guy."
“I was shameless,” he says. “I did this during early morning dog walks in the park, at dinner parties, on Facebook, on airplanes, even during a break in rehearsals for a 60th anniversary reunion concert for my college a cappella singing group.”
The obituaries eventually became compiled into a heartbreaking book sure to bring tears to your eyes as you read stories that will remind you of dog's that you've lost, but haven't forgotten.
Read more at NY Post