One of the best ways to support your local gift cards and merchandise!

This time of year makes a great time to buy merch for friends and family, it's a cool gift and trust me, the breweries love to see their names on the streets. Gift cards are also a great option to gift someone. Riight now most breweries are brewing up sweet deals by offering a free beer with a gift card purchase, or adding more value to the card than what you purchased!
Stop into the local QC breweries to check out their new swag and get some gifts checked off the list at the same time!
Craft beer tasting - Beautiful colorful beer sample at a microbrewery
Eddie Hernandez

Upcoming Events to Check Out

Angelika Kagan
Angelika Kagan

What's On Tap


Join the Club!

On the second Saturday each month, local craft beer fans get together at a local brewery, taphouse, or pub to support the local craft beer scene.
QCBC members get exclusive deals on beer during meetups, take part in the six-pack mix-pack bottle share, get chances to win giveaways each month, and access to discounted and FREE tickets to some of the best craft beer events.
Come make some new friends, sign up at today!
Follow QCBC on Facebook and Instagram

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