Iowa's own Brandon Gibbs just released a new song that is the perfect tribute to moms.

The story behind the song goes that a friend reached out to Brandon because there just wasn't a song that showed how much he loved his mom, and he needed something to dance to with his mom at his wedding.

"My First Friend" will bring a tear to your eye no matter how tough you are, and you'll immediately have images flooding back in your head of your mom being, well, your first friend.

It's a perfect testament to a mother's love for her child, but also a child's love for their mother.

I am because of you, I am because you are.

I am because you hear the voice inside my heart.

So mom we finally made it, and I love you past the end

Before I turn the page tonight, I want to dance with my first friend.

I'll let you hear the verses for yourself, but once the movie reel in your head ends and the tears stop running down your face, you'll want to share it.

To make the video, he asked his friends to send photos of them and the moms in their life, and that'll tug on your heart strings too.

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