A Definitive Ranking of the Best Breakfast Cereals
Yesterday was National Cereal Day, did you remember to celebrate? Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, so make sure you've carbo-loaded with the best cereals out there.
Uproxx put together a list that they are calling the definitive ranking of the best cereals. Take a look and see if you agree:
- Life
- Kix
- Honey Bunches of Oats
- Corn Pops
- Rice Krispies
- Frosted Flakes
- Apple Jacks
- Cap’n Crunch
- Trix
- Lucky Charms
- Froot Loops
- Honey Nut Cheerios/Honey OH’s/Raisin Bran
- Waffle Crisp
- Cookie Crisp
- Reese’s Puffs
- Fruity Pebbles
- Cinnamon Toast Crunch
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