Well, apparently it wasn't just the Pats that got torched during the Dolphins-Patriots game in the Sunday season opener at Hard Rock Stadium.

It's pretty standard that before a sporting event, especially football, people gather in the parking lot to tailgate the game. Show up a few hours early, hang out and drink the cheaper beer you brought to get a good buzz going so you only need to buy one of the $14 beers inside, and of course - grill some brats, dogs, and burgers.

One fan is going to be in some big trouble because when it was time to head on into the stadium, this fan - surely with a couple too many beers in them - decided the grill was "fine" and headed on in.

It went up in flames, and somehow managed to set not one, not two, not three, but eleven cars ablaze.

One fan that was nearby told the local news his story.

“We’re standing here, we’re all having a great time, and we see a lot of big, black smoke over there,” the fan, named Jordan, told WSVN. “We’re like, ‘Oh, what’s going on? We start looking and, ‘Oh, it’s a fire. Next thing we know, we hear a few pops; it’s tires going off.”

Smoke could be seen from nearby businesses and even the inside of the stadium.

First responders say the fan responsible just slid the grill under their car, and when it reignited, caught the underside of the car on fire, and spiraled out of control from there.

Fans caught video of the aftermath of the blaze, which was shared to Twitter.

Check out some of the local coverage from the fire:

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