Top 5 Things Not Acceptable At Work 10 Years Ago
Good workplace etiquette is the thin string that holds an atmosphere of near insanity from crossing a line that people can't be brought back from. As a culture changes, etiquettes change. For example, you don't have to keep your elbows off the table anymore. Accountemps surveyed Senior Management at multiple businesses to see what's changed and what hasn't.
Things that have changed:
- Visible Tattoos- 35% agreed seeing tattoos was unacceptable, but it's cool now
- Casual Clothing- 34% agreed you don't have to wear a suit and tie every day
- Weird Hair Colors- 34% agreed blue hair, don't care
- Non-Traditional Piercings- 33% say it's more acceptable now to have nose piercings
- Using Casual Language and Emoji's in Work Emails- 30% agree you don't have to start every email with "Dear Mr. Johnson, I write to inform you that two fortnights ago-"
Things that haven't changed:
- Swearing at Work- 54% said it's still not okay
- Bringing Your Pet To Work- 51% of managers don't want your emotional support peacock near them
- Political Décor on Your Desk- 48% don't think your "ObiWan 2020, He's Our Only Hope" stickers are funny, Jim
- Watching Political Videos in the Office- 44% said watch when you get home. You probably shouldn't be watching any videos at work in all reality.
- Listening to Music Without Headphones- 41% said they don't want to hear Supertramp's Greatest Hits while trying to get that report finished
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