Have you ever noticed how your pillows start to yellow over time? Even if you're the cleanest person on the block, this yellowing is inevitable. It's due to sweat, hair products, lotions, and the natural oils from your skin. That yellow tinge is a glaring sign that it's time to head to the store for a replacement. But pillows aren't the only everyday items we should be replacing more frequently than we probably do.

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Here are four common household items you should consider swapping out regularly to maintain your health and hygiene.

1. Pillows: Every 1-2 Years

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Yellowing pillows aren't just unsightly; they also harbor dust mites and allergens that can impact your health and sleep quality. Over time, these microscopic invaders accumulate, making it crucial to replace your pillows every one to two years.

2. Kitchen Sponge: Weekly

Mens hands comparing new and old double-side cleaning scouring sponge.
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Your kitchen sponge is dirtier than a toilet seat. Even though you might soak it in soapy water, rinse it out, or even microwave it to kill germs, bacteria can still thrive if you use it daily. Aim to replace your kitchen sponge weekly to prevent the spread of bacteria.

3. Toothbrushes: Every 3 Months

Used old and new toothbrush isolated on a white background
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Many of us wait until the bristles on our toothbrushes start to splay outward before getting a new one. However, the general rule of thumb is to replace your toothbrush every three months. It's not just about the wear and tear on the bristles, but also the bacteria buildup that occurs over time.

4. Bath and Kitchen Towels: Every 2 Years

Stack of clean soft colorful towels. Flowers on background
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Old towels make great rags, but you should still replace them every two years. While losing fluffiness over time is a given, bacteria accumulation is a more pressing concern. Hand towels, in particular, can become breeding grounds for germs, and towels also lose their absorbency as they age.

We should wash our towels every two days, even the ones we only use on our hair. While they hang and dry, they can pick up bacteria.


It's easy to overlook these everyday items, but maintaining a schedule for replacing them can have a significant impact on your health. Even with good hygiene, these items can affect our well-being in minor ways that we might not even realize. So, take a moment to evaluate these household essentials and make sure you're replacing them as often as you should. Your health will thank you.

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