Listen to This Stellar Mash-Up of Slipknot + The B-52s ‘Slipshack’
Despite the interesting collaborative project released earlier this week by Blink-182 and Lil Wayne, song mash-ups are typically great — especially when Slipknot is involved. In honor of their upcoming performance on Jimmy Kimmel Live!, here is a stellar mash-up of the 'Knot and The B-52s called "Slipshack." If this doesn't make your day, we're not sure what will. Zakk Wylde even makes an appearance.
You have to chalk it up to Corey Taylor for having such a universal voice that it can be paired with one of the most popular jams of the entire 1980s. Does anyone remember when someone put "Psychosocial" with The Wiggles' fruit salad song and called it "Psychosalad?" It just works.
Slipknot just announced a performance on Jimmy Kimmel Live! on May 17. This will be their first performance of 2019 before they do a few shows in Europe. Their 2019 Knotfest Roadshow with Volbeat, Behemoth and Gojira kicks off in July. See the dates here.
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