What's going on?

10 ‘Unique Experience’ Gifts Iowans Want For Christmas
When it comes to Christmas, it's hard to shop for some of our friends and family, so we tend to take the easy way out and buy gift cards.

Iowa, If Your Real Tree Smells Like Cucumbers Leave Right Away
If you do smell cucumbers once your Christmas tree is set up, it's best you get yourself and your pets out of the house.

Is It Illegal in Iowa to Put This in Your Truck Bed?
In some states it's illegal, but what about Iowa?

Michaels Fun World In Davenport Reporting Break Ins And Burglaries
Dear Burglars: You suck.

Win Big With 97X And The Iowa Lottery’s ‘When It’s Gold Outside’
Win big with me and the Iowa Lottery!

There’s No Way You’ve Heard About These 10 Weird Iowa Facts
No matter how long you've lived in the great Hawkeye state, there are still little tidbits of information you learn about Iowa that you would never have guessed.