Man Groped Fingerprint Technician Who was Booking Him into Jail
I mean, did this guy think he was going to get away with this?
There's a 44-year-old guy named Jack Evans, and he was arrested at a bar in Pinellas Park, Florida on Wednesday afternoon for causing a scene, including yelling at the owner that he wanted to have sex with her.
Pinellas County Jail
The cops wound up taking him to jail for disorderly conduct, and while he was being processed he groped the female fingerprint technician's butt.
The entire thing was caught on a surveillance camera, and Jack didn't deny it. He told the officers he grabbed the woman's butt because he thought she was sexy.
So he was hit with a second charge, battery on a jail employee. And that one is a felony.
Read more at The Smoking Gun.
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