Some crazy video was shared this week of an incident aboard a United Airlines flight, where a man tried to open the emergency exit during the flight.

Francisco Severo Torres was caught on video going nuts during a Sunday flight from Los Angeles to Boston.

According to the Department of Justice's documents, Torres started the incident when he forced the exit door handle into an unlocked position. The flight attendant noticed the handle had been tampered with and remembered Torres had been around the door shortly before she noticed it was unlocked.

The attendant went to question Torres about the handle, and that's when the video started.

"So where's Homeland Security with a gun? Because I am waiting for them to point the gun at me so I can show everybody that I will die when I take every bullet in that clip, to wherever in my body that they shoot me and I will kill every man on this plane," Torres screams.


Torres continued on, "Where are they diverting us? Because wherever they do, there's going to be a bloodbath everywhere. You can run away if you want. I won't kill you."

Things get a little weirder when he started to say he was one of the three wise men who visited Jesus, and his dad is Dracula.

"I'm Balthazar. Or put up your hands, because I'm Balthazar ... since I'm taking over this plane."

Torres then turned to another passenger who tried to talk to him, and yelled "Shut up, Jason!"

The DOJ documents say that Torres brandished a broken metal spoon, and confronted two flight attendants near the emergency exit, stabbing one of them in the neck. No condition has been released for that flight attendant yet.

Several passengers stepped up and Torres was restrained. Federal officials have charged him with interference and attempted interference with flight crew members and attendants using a dangerous weapon, which can be a life sentence.

Read more at TMZ

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