If you're feeling artsy this week, the Rock Island Library has a contest going on for you.

I'm not a very good artist but sometimes I just want to doodle and if you're in the same boat, you can design a bookmark for the Rock Island Public Library's 150th Anniversary Pretty Nifty Bookmark Contest.

The deadline for entries is December 10th so submit those doodles now.

You can make a bookmark design that's painted, illustrated, or decorated, according to the library's website. All ages are welcome to enter in the contest and you an pick up an entry form with a blank bookmark at any Rock Island Public Library location. Winners of the contest will be on the library's Facebook page and in their time capsule.


There are plenty of celebrations and events going on at the Rock Island Public Library for the anniversary. As part of the anniversary celebration, the library also has a list of 150 things you can do at the library. You can pick one of those up at the library.

The Rock Island Public Library has a lot of events coming up. You can see a list of those and dates at this link. They also have their mobile Library2Go available for you to schedule here.

The library has a long-standing history. The "Rock Island Public Library & Reading Room" opened on November 25, 1872 after months of preparation. Check out some key dates that played a role in the library's life at their 150th Anniversary timeline.

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