How to Keep Your Sleep on Track After Changing the Clocks this Weekend
We finally get to turn the clocks back this weekend, which means we get that sweet extra hour of sleep on Saturday night. The time change can still mess with you and make you feel more tired than usual. Here's how to prevent that:
- Stick to your sleeping pattern. Having the clocks "fall back" is easier on your body than when they "spring forward." You should wake up feeling more refreshed on Sunday morning, it's falling asleep Sunday night that might be trickier.
- Don't use technology in the bedroom. If falling asleep on Sunday is a struggle, it might be tempting to flip through your phone in bed or watch a few more episodes of something on Netflix. But the blue light from the screens will just confuse your body even more.
- Avoid naps. Naps seem like a good idea when your body clock is out of sync, but it can lower the quality of your actual sleep later that night. If you have to nap, make sure it's only for like 10 to 20 minutes.
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