Got $5,000 For Disney Junk?
If you had an extra 5 grand laying around you COULD pay off some student loans or put it toward that trip to Bali you've been dreaming about.
OR you could make a ridiculously bad decision and buy a couple Disney Items!
With Disney Plus being in the news...I'm sure you've had Mickey on your mind. You could get both D23 Disney Infinity Collector's Items, King Mickey Power Disc and Sorcerer Mickey Limited Edition were only given out at D23 Expos exclusively. These items will never be released Retail (Only 5,000 made of each)
But odds are you don't have $5,000 just laying around. So, you can listen to 97X for the Cash Code!
Listen to 97X weekdays around 7am 1pm and 5pm for THREE different codewords that could win you up to $5,000!

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