Dwyer & Michaels Morning Show: Show Notes Wednesday 08/14/24
This is your one-stop shop for everything that happens throughout the Dwyer & Michaels Morning Show - in studio photos, the videos discussed, and goofy stuff that we find throughout the show.
The Show Notes are brought to you by Pawn Central.
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We Had A Blast in San Diego
We went out to San Diego last week for a few days to learn more about radio at Radio School. We got to see some of our other radio friends, do some sightseeing, and of course, learn how to bring you a better way to start your morning!
Jordan Chiles Had To Give Back The Bronze
After deliberation and multiple appeals, it was determined that a judging issue has led to Jordan Chiles having to return one of the US' Bronze Medals that she earned.
Lighthouse Inn "Engulphed" In Flames
We brought up the Lighthouse Inn in Cedar Rapids this morning for a brief moment in our discussion about supper clubs, and we got a call immediately saying that the place was freshly on fire.
The Tacos Hairball Was Talking About
We went to a taco place while in San Diego, and it was the best tacos Hairball's ever had. Dwyer ordered something completely different than what was recommended, and his tacos had a hair on one of them.
The Kids Didn't Win The Big Prize, But Megan Got Some Cash
The kids and their violin video made the 10 Finalists round at Radio School for a bit battle, but they didn't win.
Megan came back up later on for a "Rapid Fire" round and said a bunch of swears, and she got voted #1, which got her $500!
Foo Fighters At Petco Park
Goose and Hairball went to Petco Park next to our hotel at Radio School because the Foo Fighters were playing, and it's Goose's favorite band. They had great seats, just off to the side of the stage.
Hairball had enough about 3/4 of the show, because he'd been up since 3:15am our time, and it would've been nearly 1am our time by the time he left the show.
Michaels Went To An Infamous Murder Site
Michaels went to the infamous Taliesin, Frank Lloyd Wright's escape from the busy world - and hiding place for his secret lover and their children.
One of Wright's workers on the property went crazy and lit the place on fire, and killed seven with an axe - 4 workers, the mistress, and the two children.
Read the full story below this cool little view of the theater inside the place.
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