Dwyer & Michaels Morning Show: Show Notes 05/16/24
This is your one-stop shop for everything that happens throughout the Dwyer & Michaels Morning Show - in studio photos, the videos discussed, and goofy stuff that we find throughout the show.
The Show Notes are brought to you by Pawn Central.
A New 4-D Evel Knievel Experience
There's a new Evel Knievel museum coming to Las Vegas, it'll have a virtual reality 4-D jump experience and a broken bones interactive experience, including Evel's actual X-rays.
The 4-D experience is pretty cool. You sit on a motorcycle that leans with the video you're watching through a VR headset, and it'll get you all kinds of disoriented.
Here's how they made the thing:
It's Wee Man's Birthday
Dwyer mentioned it being Wee Man's birthday today during Today in Rock History, and it made us remember he can kick himself in the forehead.
Megan Is Going To Get Dropped On Her Head This Weekend
Megan and the Deckmate Dancers' next routine they're learning involves cheerleader stunts and lifts, and Megan is one of the people who gets thrown, and all we have from practices is this screenshot of her getting dropped... needless to say, we're probably going to have a job opening next week.
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