This is your one-stop shop for everything that happens throughout the Dwyer & Michaels Morning Show - in studio photos, the videos discussed, and goofy stuff that we find throughout the show.

The Show Notes are brought to you by Pawn Central.

Graduation Announcer Butchers Every Single Name

A person who was announcing the graduates at Thomas Jefferson University butchered every name they announced - stuff like Elizabeth or Thomas. The official statement was an issue with phonetic spellings on the cards being incorrect, but the university swapped announcers halfway through the ceremony.

The University issued an apology.

Michaels Got His Ass Whooped By Hairball

Michaels is Mr. Pinball, or at least was, after Hairball whooped his ass.

Townsquare Media
Townsquare Media

USPS Van Caught Street Racing A Mustang

A mail van got busted in Ohio driving 105mph in a 60mph zone, racing a Mustang.

The driver is under investigation by the USPS as their employee. Legally, she paid a $50 fine for the traffic violation after receiving a verbal warning for racing.

Mail Trucks Don't Have License Plates

We learned today that mail trucks don't have license plates - they're identified by the numbers printed on the vehicle.

The Best Senior Prank

In Peoria, some students organized to have a group of bagpipers follow their principal around for the day.

We talked with the bagpiper, Scott, who told us about his organization, Celtic Cross Pipes and Drums. They give free lessons weekly, so check out their website!

Hear what he had to say below:

Sponsored Fortune Cookies

Hairball went out to lunch at a Chinese buffet and got a fortune cookie, but it was just an ad for some chain of ice cream museum in Chicago.


UFC Fighter Derrick Lewis MOONS The Crowd

Derrick Lewis won his fight by knockout, and celebrated by throwing his athletic cup onto the commentator's table.

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