Annual Flag Placing Happening Today at Arsenal Cemetery
Here's your chance to take in something great. The annual flag placing for Memorial Day is happening this afternoon and anybody can head out to the Rock Island Arsenal to help.
Year after year, hundreds of volunteers place over 32,000 flags on the headstones of the Veterans that are laid to rest in the Rock Island Arsenal Cemetery. The whole process takes less than 45 minutes and is both amazing and humbling to witness. Here's what it looks like:
If you want to help this year, flag placement will be taking place today at 4:00 PM. Please try to be early and enter from the Illinois side.
Anyone over 18-years-old just needs a current driver's license. There's no signing up required, just be there and instructions will be given out.
In the case of severe weather, flag placement will be moved to Friday at 4:00 PM.