Woman Punches Her Boyfriend in Face For Saying Her Spaghetti is “Okay”
When you work hard to cook someone dinner and they criticize it, it's pretty much impossible not to get outraged. I mean, this woman clearly overreacted, but not that much.
33-year-old Jodi Ecklund from Merrimack, New Hampshire cooked her boyfriend some spaghetti for dinner on Saturday. When she asked him how it was, he said it was, "okay."
And that set her off! She punched him in the arm, punched him in the face, and then kicked him out of their apartment.
When the cops got there, she told them to stay out and threatened to shoot them if they came inside. Meanwhile, she started throwing her boyfriend's stuff out the window, into the parking lot.
The cops eventually busted in after several hours and fortunately, she didn't follow through on her threat to shoot them. Jodi was charged with six felonies, including criminal mischief, criminal threatening, and reckless conduct.
Read more at New Hampshire Union Leader.
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