Woman Arrested for Stabbing Man At Urinal in the Buttocks
A mans worst fear... Getting stabbed in the butt at his most vulnerable moment, using the urinal.
In Toledo Ohio, a 41-year-old woman was arrested for allegedly stabbing a man in the buttocks while he was using a urinal.
According to the Toledo Police, the woman, Shahnaz Ali, entered a restroom and stabbed a man in the butt twice with a knife (or some other sharp knifelike object).
The police report stated that when officials arrived at the scene, the man in his mid-forties was “standing at a urinal in the bathroom with two visible stab wounds on his right buttock.”
The victim said he was “attempting to urinate when an unknown female entered the restroom behind him and stabbed him twice,” then she ran away.
The man's booty wounds required stitches.
Thankfully, as the woman drove away from the scene, the victim was able to take a picture of her car. Toledo police were able to track down the woman at her apartment in Maumee.
Ali was arrested, and police searched her entire apartment and took pictures of notable items. Ali appeared in court Monday. Her bond was set at $5,000.
Besides the typical "oof," "wow" and "why" comments, here is what Facebook commenters had to say:
Marty Smith: Ouch..bet that stopped the stream.
Anthony Summerfield: Bet he pissed himself.
Paul Kelly: Obviously she identifies as a male and didn’t want to wait her turn.
Read More Here: 13ABC.com
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