War Pigs Aligns with Deck The Halls Too Well
One of my favorite things about Christmas is the music. Bing Crosby, Frank Sinatra...even the new crooners like Michael Buble all bring out the Christmas spirit for me. It takes me back to my childhood where times were easier and waiting for Santa was a yearly routine.
That being said...I after 43 years of the same songs every single year...I can get bored with the music. It's why I put together this Spotify playlist of random/alternative/weird Christmas songs I called my "Bored of Christmas Music" Christmas Playlist". (if you're bored of the traditional music you may want to check it out.
Bob Rivers & Twisted Radio was always big in my house. My dad and I loved the Christmas parodies. It was kind of a mix of my two loves. Christmas music and Weird Al Yankovic style parodies.
Songs like "Walkin 'round in Women's Underwear" and "The Twelve Pains of Christmas" were blasting through our house with reckless abandon. Those lead me into some of my favorites, where my father lost interest, like "I Am Santa Claus" and "Jingle Hells Bells" taking some Black Sabbath and AC/DC tunes that I love and making them officially holiday sing-alongs.
That's what this reminds me of for obvious reasons. A fella named Aaron Gage recognized War Pigs has the same cadence as Deck the Halls...or at least can be sang as such. He did what any self respecting YouTuber would do and made a video.
Of course if one is like the other...than the other is like the one so now we've got 2 new favorite "Christmas songs" to choose from.