Beware the Water Bottle Trick: Carjacker's New Tactic or Urban Legend?

Whether the annual warning circulating on social media about car thieves using water bottles to distract us is entirely true or just an urban legend, it serves as a reminder for carjackers and purse-snatchers. Regardless of its legitimacy, it's worth being cautious about when you're in crowded or deserted parking lots, or even during the day in a secluded parking garage.


Here's How The Water Bottle Trick Supposedly Works

After scouting the area, the criminal will put an empty water bottle in the passenger side wheel well of a car, usually the back tire near the top hidden back a bit, then lie in wait. When you get to your car, the thieves count on you opening your door, not really being aware that there is now an empty water bottle sitting on your tire. Now they wait.

You start your car, pull out of your parking space, and suddenly hear a loud pop and crunch that's definitely not routine. That would jolt anyone to stop and wonder what's going on. So, the hope by the thief or thieves lying in wait, is that you'll pull over and leave your car running while you jump out to take a quick look around your car and the immediate area. That's when a carjacker will jump into your car and take off or the criminal will quickly reach into your car and grab your handbag, phone, or any valuables sitting out.

Spotting A Plastic Bottle Video

A YouTube Channel called BrighSide put together a safety video about the old and new tricks thieves might use to take away your vehicle. Take a watch below.

No matter what, it's always best to be aware of your surroundings for your own safety, water bottle or not. Remember, staying vigilant and cautious can prevent a potential theft or worse.

LOOK: Most dangerous states to drive in

Stacker used the Federal Highway Administration's 2020 Highway Statistics report to rank states by the fatalities per billion miles traveled. 

Gallery Credit: Katherine Gallagher

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