The first measles cases have just been reported to health officials in Iowa. These are the first in the state since 2011.

The Iowa Department of Public Health said Monday that one of the two people wasn’t vaccinated and contracted measles while on a trip to Israel, where outbreaks have been reported.

Measles symptoms include fever, runny nose, cough and a rash. It’s highly contagious to the unvaccinated and can be fatal.

Skin with dengue fever red rashes
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I received a letter from the Davenport Community School District saying:

We have been notified that two cases of measles have been reported in Iowa. Theses are the first cases of measles in our state since 2011 and it is a good reminder to make sure that your family's vaccines are up to date.


The measles vaccine is highly effective (the patients with measles had not been vaccinated). All school-age children should have two MMR doses by the time they start kindergarten.


If a case of measles is identified in one of our schools, public health officials will require all unvaccinated students and staff to remain home until 21 days after their last possible exposure to the measles.

For more information on measles, please contact your health department.

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