This Friday and Saturday August 27th and 28th Tommy’s Express Car Wash will be running $1 Quality Car Washes. Great time to get your car washed.

97X will be broadcasting from Tommy's in Davenport from Noon til 2pm with some free stuff to give away...but who needs our freebies when you've got $1 car washes!

Buy One Get One!

Also Now Through September 6, 2021 buy any car wash at Regular price and Get unlimited washes for the next month free when you sign up for their Tommy Club which starts at just $21.99 per month

  • Located at 4200 N Brady St in Davenport, IA
  • Follow them on Facebook at Tommy’s Express in Davenport
  • Free Vacuums and Mat washes
  • Self Loading Conveyor Belt in and out in 3 minutes

The first time I remember going to an old school car wash was when I was in high school with my dad on a sunny day as we drove down highway. As the sun reflected off of the water, and the brushes scrubbed away all of the dirt and grime from our car, it created such a unique experience that stuck with me throughout the years. I’ve always those old school conveyor belt car washes with the rollers and the water coming from all over.

Treat Yourself

One of my favorite things about car washes is that they feel like a treat—something you get to do on special occasions. I always look forward to taking my car in and have a blast getting it all squeaky clean. At any point, if we want to make our life easier or feel like treating ourselves, there’s nothing wrong with taking your vehicle for a spin through an automatic wash at Tommy's Express Car Wash.

LOOK: What major laws were passed the year you were born?

Data for this list was acquired from trusted online sources and news outlets. Read on to discover what major law was passed the year you were born and learn its name, the vote count (where relevant), and its impact and significance.

Iowa's Island City

There is something unique about every town, but there is really something special about Sabula, IA. Known as "Iowa's Island City," Sabula is the only town in the state of Iowa that is entirely on an island. While not a lot of people have been to, or live in Sabula, it is a quaint little town nestled right on the Mississippi River.

Before we show you around "Iowa's Island City," let me give you the history of Sabula. Sabula was established in 1835, according History of Jackson County, Iowa, Volume 1 by James Whitcomb Ellis. Isaac Dorman and a man named Hinkley crossed the river from the Illinois side on a log and decided to settle on what is now Sabula. An Ohio couple, James and Margaret Woods would settle on Sabula about a year later in April of 1836. Their son, Dr. E. A. Woods would purchase Hinkley's interest in the claim. Charles Swan and W. H. Brown would soon purchase Dorman's interest. The three men, Woods, Swan and Brown later had the land plotted in 1837.

The idea behind plotting the land was because there was no town between Lyons (north Clinton) and Bellevue. The plot of the new town was recorded in Dubuque as this area was part of Dubuque county at the time, according History of Jackson County, Iowa, Volume 1 by James Whitcomb Ellis.

According to Island City Harbor's website, Sabula went through a few names before landing on the official town name. In 1837, Sabula was first called Carrollport. Residents of the town didn't like the name because there was a man's name who was Carroll who had a bad reputation. The town changed its name to Charleston, after early settler Charles Swan. The only issue was that there was already a town called Charleston in Iowa which caused much confusion.

In 1846 the settler’s decided to find a name. Island City Harbor's website says that because of it’s sandy soil, William Hubble suggested the town be called "Sabulum" which is Latin for sand. A party was being held around the time the town name was being discussed, when a woman, supposed to be Miss Harriet Hudson, suggested the town be called Sabula as it was easier to pronounce and sounded more elegant, according History of Jackson County, Iowa, Volume 1 by James Whitcomb Ellis.

Sabula did not actually become an island until 1939. According to Wikipedia, in the 1930's, the Army Corps of Engineers constructed the lock and dam system. In 1939, Lock and Dam No. 13 between Clinton, IA and Fulton, IL was built which caused the bottomlands west of the town permanently flooded. With the Mississippi River east of the town, this created the "Island City." A levee was built around Sabula in 1957 for protection, according to Island City Harbor's website. This also allowed for the south sand pit to be turned into a boat harbor.

I would like to thank my mom Beth, her fiancé Matt, my brother Nolan and my wife Ellie for accompanying me to Sabula. We always have a blast on our trips and this one was no exception.

It's now time to introduce you to Sabula, Iowa, Iowa's Island City.


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