This New Quad Cities Non-Profit Reuses Art Supplies For Teachers
A recently opened 501c(3) non-profit in the Quad Cities has made it its mission to help teachers and educational organizations who may not have the supplies they need to educate our area's youth.
Siren Ship received its 501c(3) accreditation in September of this year, and the plan is set on finding a solid brick-and-mortar location to provide free art supplies to educational organizations and institutions, teachers and students.
Soon, Siren Ship will be hosting on-location art supply drives looking to collect supplies able to be reused or new in their packaging.
Once their storefront is open, the store will also be open to the general public, operating like a thrift shop for art supplies, with all proceeds benefiting Siren Ship.
Siren Ship's operator, Heidi, says that Siren Ship's endeavor will "help keep art supplies from reaching landfills by redirecting and upcycling the large waste stream art and hobby making creates. It will also provide local artists jobs making art and utilitarian items out of the supplies that are then sold in the shop."
Her hope is that when they are fully operational, schools will be able to bring art classes for a tour, and that those students will get to go home with some free supplies to help with their budding creativity.
You can help by contacting Siren Ship throught their website.
Their hope is to have their storefront location open by March.

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