This Is What The Submersible Implosion Likely Looked Like
The US Coast Guard confirmed that a catastrophic implosion took place aboard the Oceangate Titan Submersible, killing all five members on board.
Reportedly, five different pieces of the 22-foot submersible were discovered on the ocean floor some 1,600 feet below the bow of the Titanic, the debris consisting with a "catastrophic loss of the pressure chamber."
“Right now, again our thoughts are with the families and making sure that they have an understanding as best as we can provide of what happened and begin to find some closure,” an unnamed official said during the press conference, according to USA Today.
A viral video viewed over 3 million times on TikTok alone shows an expert's recreation of what the sub would have looked like during the implosion, and you can see just how quickly the passengers aboard perished.
The video explains that the the speed the submersible would've imploded would've been 30 milliseconds (0.03 seconds).
The average time for pain processing for a human being is 60 milliseconds (0.06 seconds), so at the very least, those aboard didn't suffer.
Just to put this in perspective, your average blink is 100 milliseconds (0.1 seconds).
Check out the animation below:
The question of what happens to the people inside of that ball of foil isn't so pretty.
All of the pressure pulls the atmosphere inside the sub out of whatever breach there is, and anything inside with it - including the victims.
In an incident that took place in 1983, a diving bell semi-submersible being used on the Byford Dolphin drilling rig had a catastrophic Explosive Decompression Accident.
While not quite the same pressure that the Oceangate Titan was under, this is an example of what happens in this sort of instance, and the following image is pretty gruesome.
Keep in mind, the victim pictured below of the Byford Dolphin Accident was under the pressure of 9 atmospheres. If the Oceangate Titan was at the level the Titanic was, those victims were under 400 atmospheres.
The nitrogen in their body vaporized instantly, boiling.
They were able to find the face of "Diver 4" which was gruesomely torn from the body.
You can view the full report here: