The Top Ten Signs You’re Eco-Friendly
76% of us want to be more eco-friendly, according to a new poll. So how do you do it? Well, the survey also asked people HOW they're actively trying to save the environment. Here are the ten most-common answers:
- You recycle.
- You avoid wasting food.
- You actively try to reduce your energy consumption.
- You bring reusable bags to the grocery store.
- You avoid plastic straws.
- You turn off the lights when you leave a room.
- You've switched to LED light bulbs.
- You avoid plastic water bottles.
- You donate stuff instead of throwing it away.
- You have a compost pile.
A few more that made the top 20 are buying local produce, doing paperless billing, minimal use of A/C, taking shorter showers, and eating less meat.
Read more at SWNS.
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