Have you ever had to bail on a date when you realized the person was total garbage? You realized you got yourself into a situation with someone you're not even interested in.

People will tolerate an average of 51 minutes of a bad date before making their excuses to leave, according to research.

People were also asked about bowing out ahead of time with 44% of people saying they have done that. On average, we'll cancel 19 hours beforehand.

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Here are the ten most common excuses we've used to get out of a date . . .

10. "I'm not feeling good."

Ill upset girl is holding paper tissue and blowing nose. Virus symptom concept.
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9. "A family member is sick."

A mother's love knows no boundaries
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8.  "I've got a work emergency."

Safety team help a construction worker who has an accident.
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7.  "I forgot."

Angry guy holding cell sitting on a sofa
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6.  "There's something important I have to do."

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5.  "I realized I'm not ready for a relationship."

Man offering a bunch of flowers to his angry girlfriend
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4.  "My car broke down."

Woman standing next to broken car and talking on the phone
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3.  "I have a deadline at work."

Shot of a stressed out young woman working in a demanding career
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2.  "A friend or family member showed up unannounced."

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1.  "I got stuck in traffic."

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Here are a few that just missed the top ten:

  • "My pet is sick"
  • "I forgot we were grabbing food and already ate"
  • "I can't find the place"
  • "You look like my SIBLING, and I can't get past it"
  • "I got arrested"

The poll also found it only takes 25 minutes before we know if there's a "spark" or not.  So on a first date, that initial half-hour is really important.

The top signs a date isn't going well are awkward conversations, and not laughing at each other's jokes.

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