The Top Five Morning Routines Required for a Good Day
Does this mean over half of us are optimists at heart? Or do we just not want to admit we're pessimists?
2,000 Americans were recently shown a glass that was exactly 50% full. Then they were asked if it was half-full or half-empty, and 58% said half-full... while just 16% said half-empty. The other 26% were indecisive.
Even the half-empty people weren't very likely to say they're a pessimist at heart. 48% said they think they're more optimistic than pessimistic.
The survey also found the glass-half-full people tended to be more assertive, more competitive, more extroverted, and more likely to be a morning person.
And here's the part of the study we liked most. All 2,000 people had to name the top morning routines that help them have a good day. Here are the top five . . .
- A cup of coffee. It's the #1 thing we need to get our day off to a good start.
- Waking up after getting enough sleep. The fact that this is #2 is a testament to how much we love coffee.
- A morning shower.
- Listening to music while you're getting ready, or in your car.
- Eating a light breakfast, but nothing too heavy.
Read more at OnePoll.