The Last Payphone In New York City Has Been Removed From The Streets
It's the end of an era, and really a show of how much time can change things.
Payphones were once able to be found on just about every corner, at every shopping center, you name it. We all remember putting change in so we could call our parents to pick us up from the mall, or making a collect call, with you st2ating your name as "I'MREADYTOBEPICKEDUP."
Officials in New York City, along with some partners, officially removed the last payphone from the city yesterday.
A small ceremony was put together and held near Seventh Avenue and 49th Street near Times Square.
Public officials began removing street-based payphones around 2015, when everyone acknowledged that cell phones and other technological advances have made them obsolete.
As a replacement, the city has partnered with LinkNYC to bring free Wi-Fi stands and charging stations as a replacement. LinkNYC kiosks also provide a social services directory, free phone calls in US, neighborhood-specific advertising, and traffic and weather alerts.
It poses the question when was the last time you saw a payphone? Forget when you last used one, I bet you that's at least 15 years ago by now.
Well, we put out the call (get it?) for you to find us payphones across the area, and you answered - (or called?).
First, was one that's on a street corner in Andover, Illinois, which both makes calls AND still can receive them!
We also talked to Whiny Little Bitch Rick, who was in Kelley, Iowa (north of Des Moines by about 30 miles), and he was at one of Iowa's last FULLY functioning phone booths.
They're out there, but the real question is... why?
If you don't have anywhere nearby to check out a phone booth or payphone, consider going to the S&S Telephone Museum in Fulton, Iowa. It's a great place to feel some nostalgia, and learn a thing or two about how much communication has changed over the years.
They even have some phone booths that look like they were installed just last week!
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