Teach Your Kids to ROCK as Young as Possible
When I first had kids I would brainwash them with good music! GNR, Metallica, Stones...anything I had on DVD. We would watch live music every single night.
Here's another way to help your kid be cool. Get them INVOLVED!
QC Rock Academy is offering a new toddler music class for kids 2-5 years old starting Saturday, Nov. 3rd and going through December 15th from 10:15am-10:45am.
They'll be singing songs, dancing, playing instruments, reading music thmusic-themed and much more.
For the 6 week class, it's only $45 or you can do drop ins at just $10/class. Call us at 563-386-3044 for more info and to reserve a spot.
Get your kids ROCKIN early!
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