Almost everyone's got a picture of themselves as a youngster sitting on the Easter Bunny's lap.  In all of those pictures, the Easter Bunny looks deranged.

We can do better than our parents did.  Rock Island Parks and Rec are making sure of that by hosting their annual Spring Egg Hunt!

Saturday, April 9th, 2022, they'll be hiding thousands of Easter Eggs in Lincoln Park (11th Avenue and 38th Street)

This year’s Spring Egg Hunt is free, but children ages 3-10 will need to be pre-registered to attend and only 100 participants will be able to play along.  So enter now to reserve your spot.

According to a recent press release:

The hunt areas will be for pre-registered children from the same family to hunt for eggs together.  Bring your bags and baskets to gather eggs scattered throughout your hunt area. Dance to some silly songs while you wait and keep your eye out for a special bunny visitor to wave to!


Spring Egg Hunt:

Saturday, April 9th, 2022
Lincoln Park at 11th Avenue and 38th Street, Rock Island.

Register for free online at or call (309) 732-PARK.

Egg-cellent Home Delivery!

The week of April 11th you can get candy, toys and eggs delivered to your home.  For $15 they will deliver 20 eggs and hide them around your front yard.

Home Bunny Visit

Want to have the Easter Bunny visit your home? On April 9th, 10th, or 16th the Easter Bunny will scatter 20 eggs in your yard and stick around for a quick photo with you. Fee is $30.

Why My 1st Time Camping Sucked…and How You Can Avoid Problems

Let me correct my own headline.  My first time camping didn’t “suck”.  Camping was actually a blast!  Once we were there it was great.  Getting there and leaving was a GIANT pain in the ass. 
Here’s what I’d do differently: 

Craft Breweries in the Quad Cities Area

We're very lucky to live in an area with such an amazing, thriving "craft beer scene". You'll be able to find everything you could want.

Not sure what you want? That's ok. The bartenders at these establishments are very well versed and can guide you through a wonderland of Ales and Lagers.

From "coffee infused" to "riff infused".

From "pale ales" to "peanut butter porters".

Fruity, Sour, Hoppy, Malty, Crisp, Crushable beers in all shapes and sizes.

Crowlers, Growlers, Cans & Kegs...the Quad Cities Craft Beer scene has it all.

And of course...a great beer isn't complete unless it's paired with some amazing food. Whether it's made in the breweries kitchen or in the food truck in the parking lot...brewers know that people love food with their beer. 

Take a look at the 19 Quad Cities Area craft breweries!


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