Rock And Roll Mansion Gets A ‘Peace’ Of The Rock
Visitors to the Rock and Roll Mansion in Davenport, home of 97X for the last 40 years, will be greeted by a new giant peace sign, erected last weekend by friends Mark Stach and Guy Garriot, and their crew. Stach has been peppering property near his hometown of Dixon, and Sterling-Rock Falls with his "Peace of Art" project for the last year, not-so-subtly suggesting that we can all treat each other well, and lift each others' spirits.
Musicians throughout the years have been no stranger to the message of peace, perhaps most famously, and ironically, John Lennon. Even artists like Black Sabbath, Elvis Costello, and Megadeth have soldiered for better treatment of one another.
And while now is the season for peace on earth, the symbol on the top of Brady Street hill will stay there long past the holidays.
Mark's signs can reach 15' in diameter, and they cost him about $150.00 in materials. If you'd like to help spread the word, he has a GoFundMe page here.
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