Quad Cities’ First Big Snow Storm Will Hit In Mid-December
Steve Gottschalk has been predicting weather for well over three decades just by using creepy crawlies and lunar phases. His unorthodox methods are about as accurate any meteorologist's.
First, let's see what the bugs have to say. The woolly bears are predicting a slightly below normal winter for temperatures and the crickets are predicting the snowfall to be a little above normal. The greater number of spiders coming indoors are suggesting a colder winter.
Now let's see what the lunar phases say about snow for this winter... Steve is predicting that the Quad Cities' first big snow of 5" or more should be within a couple days of December 18th. Here's the breakdown month-by-month:
- November should see slightly above normal temperatures and below normal snowfall.
- Nov. 10th - cold, rain or snow, windy
- Nov. 14th - cold, rain or snow, windy
- Nov. 18th - variable temperatures, rain and windy
- Nov. 21st - variable temperatures, rain and widy
- Nov. 25-26th - changing temperatures, rain or snow and windy
- Nov. 29th - cold, snow and windy
- December should see near normal temperatures and near normal snowfall.
- Dec.3rd-5th - cold, rain or snow and windy.
- Dec. 7th - cold, rain or snow and windy
- Dec. 10th-11th - variable temperatures, rain or snow and windy
- Dec. 18th-19th - changing temperatures, snow and windy
- Dec. 22nd - changing temperatures, rain or snow and windy
- Dec. cold, rain or snow and windy
- Cold Spells: 5th-8th, 24th-27th and 29th-31st
- January should see near normal temperatures and near normal snowfall.
- Jan. 1st-3rd - cold, snow and windy
- Jan. 4th - cold, snow and windy
- Jan. 8th - variable temperatures, rain or snow and windy
- Jan. 14th-16th - cold, snow and windy
- Jan. 18th - variable temperatures, rain or snow and windy
- Jan. 22nd - cold, snow and windy
- Jan. 24th - variable temperatures, rain or snow and windy
- Jan. 30th-31st - cold, snow and windy
- Cold Spells: 5th-9th, 16th-18th and 25th-28th
- February should see below normal temperatures and above normal snowfall.
- Feb. 4th - variable temperatures, rain or snow and windy
- Feb. 7th - variable temperatures, rain or snow and windy
- Feb' 11th - variable temperatures, rain or snow and windy
- Feb. 14th-15th - cold snow and windy
- Feb.19th - warmer, rain or snow and windy
- Feb. 23rd - cold, rain or snow and windy
- Feb. 25th - warmer, rain or snow and windy
- Feb. 27th-28th - mild, rain or snow and windy
- Cold Waves: 2nd-5th, 7th-8th, 12th and the 16th.
- March
- Mar. 1st-3rd - cold, rain or snow and windy
- Mar. 9th-11th - variable temperatures, rain or snow and windy
- Mar. 17th-18th - variable temperatures, rain or snow and windy
- Mar. 24th - variable temperatures, rain and windy
- Mar. 26th-27th - cold, rain or snow and windy
- Mar. 31st - changeable temperatures, rain or snow